Development News

  • 2010: CME/Baykal seismic station
    2010: CME/Baykal seismic station
    CME/Baykal, a new portable autonomous seismic station based on the CME-4111/CME-6211 broadband molecular-electronic seismometers,  and the Baykal-7HR/Baykal-ACN self-contained high-resolution digital recorders have been tested and are now ready for sale.

    The CME/Baykal seismic stations are currently in use by oil&gas exploration companies and geophysical research institutes in severe field conditions of Siberia and the Arctic region.
  • 2009: limbs motion parameters sensors
    2009: limbs motion parameters sensors
    A prototype of an instrument to measure motion parameters of a moving person's body and his/her lower extremities was developed and successfully tested. The development was made on the base of very compact molecular-electronic linear and rotational sensors. Applications of the development include sports medicine, orthopedics. The patent for the development was obtained. 

    The development was supported by The Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovations.
  • 2009: an updated case design for CME-4111/4011 seismometers
    2009: an updated case design for CME-4111/4011 seismometers
    An improved external case for the CME-4111/4011 compact broadband seismometers has been developed. The case is equipped with adjusted legs, a bubble level for precise leveling, a handle for carrying and a bayonet connector for a faster cable connection. 

    The CME-4111, 4011, 3111, 3011 seismometers can now be supplied with this optional external case instead of a standard simplified case.
  • 2009: a prototype of the North-seeking device
    2009: a prototype of the North-seeking device
    A prototype of the North-seeking device, a geographic north direction seeker, based on the rotational molecular-electronic sensors has been developed and tested in cooperation with The Center for Molecular Electronics. The precision of the azimuth detection for the newly developed device is better than 0.1°·sec(φ). 

    The device is insensitive to magnetic fields, compact-sized, low-power and cost-effective. It can be used in high-precision autonomous portable navigation systems. This development may have a significant potential as an advantageous alternative to gyro-compass systems.
  • 2009: a new angular gyro sensor
    2009: a new angular gyro sensor
    A low-noise subminiature angular sensor MTRS-614A was developed on the base of the molecular-electroniс rotational microsensor. The latest development of molecular-electronic technologies gave rise to the ultra small and lightweight yaw rate sensor, comparable with the microelectromechanical gyros in size, weight and power consumption. Unlike the MEMS gyros, the new sensor is characterized by a significantly higher sensitivity and very low intrinsic noise level. However, the bandwidth of this sensor is limited to low frequencies at a value of ~0.02 Hz due to the physical operating principles. In MTRS-614A, the signal from the sensor is complemented by the low-frequency component of the ADXRS614 (Analog Devices MEMS gyro) signal. 

    This solution allows to extend the range of application to zero frequency maintaining extremely low noise of molecular electronic sensors. Read more about the specifications and applications (PDF).
  • 2008: a unique 6-component sensor
    2008: a unique 6-component sensor
    A high-performance 6-component velocimeter has been developed. The device has 3 linear and 3 rotational sensitivity axes. Possible applications of the sensor are engineering geophysics, seismic exploration, industrial vibration control, seismic monitoring of high-rise buildings and various constructions. 

    The standard bandwidth of the sensor is 0.5-100 Hz.
  • 2007: vibration control of the collider
    2007: vibration control of the collider
    A special issue of Measurement Science and Technology published the article of "Vibration diagnostics instrumentation for ILC". The article describes the possible solutions for vibration control of the e-e+ 500 GeV International Linear Collider. The sensors should be able to operate in the unprecedently strong magnetic fields. Molecular-electronic sensors are listed among other possible options.
  • 2007: a new prototype of the area security system
    2007: a new prototype of the area security system
    A new prototype of a security system based on compact molecular-electronic seismic sensors has been developed. The system successfully passed field tests in detecting steps of a walker. 

    The prototype detects a moving person from a 50-100 meter distance (depending on the type of the soil) as well as locates the direction towards a moving person with high precision. The system offers a cost-effective solution for the area security applications.
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